Re: [CSS21] Nested Counters and Scope

On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 11:58 -0500, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> Geoff Soutter wrote:
> > What exactly is meant by a "later 'counter-reset' on the same element"?
> p { counter-reset: mycounter 1 mycounter 2 mycounter; }
> That has three counter-resets on the same element for the same counter; the 
> scope of the reset to 1 does not include nodes that are in the scope of the 
> reset to 2; the scope of the reset to 2 does not include nodes that are in the 
> scope of the reset to 0.

OK, I think I understand what the spec means re later counter resets.

I am not exactly an expert on this subject, but it seems to me redundant
to defining scopes for all the references to the same counter within a
single counter-reset when only the last one has an external effect. 

Would it not be better to wield Occam's Razor on the earlier ones?

Geoff Soutter <>

Received on Friday, 22 July 2005 09:58:08 UTC