Re: [CSS3] nth-child pseudo class #2

On Sunday 06 February 2005 03:41, you wrote:
> Question is: what does "even" mean here? And "every a-th element" also is
> not clear at all.Is first child even or odd?Following the rule: "The
> :nth-child(an+b) pseudo-class notation represents an element that has
> : an+b-1
> siblings before it"and assuming that tr:nth-child(2n) == tr:nth-child(2n +
> 0)first element should not match tr:nth-child(2n)Am I right?And also phrase
> "The a and b values must be zero, negative integers or positive integers."
> [1]should be written just as "The a and b values must be integers". This is
> more precise.[1]
>s in advance,Andrew Fedoniouk.

The easiest way of interpreting it, which is the model I've used when 
implementing nth in KHTML 3.4 is the algebraic one. Imagine all natural 
values of n and insert them in the equation. So 2n naturally matches 2nd, 
4th, 6th, 8th etc. 
As I understood the specification only a is allowed to be negative, so a and b 
must be integers and b zero or positive.


Received on Monday, 7 February 2005 16:14:53 UTC