Re: Question on anonymous table objects

I have additional question regarding anomymous table objects.
In particular it is unclear how anonymous table objects should
interact with generated content. 

Consider for example the following markup:


with CSS

table {display:table;}
cell {display:table-cell;}
table:before, table:after {display:table-cell;content:'Cell';}

Since spec (12.1) says that
'The :before and :after pseudo-elements elements interact with
other boxes, such as run-in boxes, as if they were real elements inserted 
just inside their associated element'
it is logical to assume that this sample should be treated as


However in the same time spec (17.2.1) says that anonymous row must span
only consecutive siblings in the document tree:

"If the parent P of a 'table-cell' element T is not a 'table-row', an
object corresponding to a 'table-row' will be generated between P and T.
This object will span all consecutive 'table-cell' siblings (in the
document tree) of T."

Usually generated content is not considered to be part of document tree 
so what we get is:


Now which interpretation is right? 
I think it is worth to clarify specs since different browsers handle this
sample in different way.

Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2005 10:15:52 UTC