Re: [css21] anonymous block boxes versus block boxes

Also sprach Staffan Måhlén:

 > Oh. I found
 > Apparently people there agrees that "as high as possible" means 
 > including moving already positioned items. To me it seems that
 > this is a poor solution since it creates less predictable
 > and bouncier results. It also seems more complex to move content
 > rather than positioning the float at "the next line break", and
 > float implementations tend to have quite a few bugs. 
 > Should the rec be relaxed to explictly allow or even changed to 
 > require Mozilla/IEs behavior?

Let me offer a use case for keeping elements on the same line. Say you
are marking up a restaurant menu:


I'd like to float the price to the right to achieve this formatting

   Fish               $10
   Meat               $12

using this style sheet:

  dish { display: block }
  name { display: inline }
  price { float: right }

However, Mozilla and others show:

   Meat               $10

To achieve my preferred formatting, I have to write:


Which is not the logical content order.

(I could have used CSS tables for this, but support is spotty)

-h&kon (who suddenly got hungy)

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 15 August 2005 16:34:29 UTC