Style confirmation descriptors

Here's another idea that could help when the desired CSS isn't fully 
supported. It's a bit radical, but I figured I should at least briefly 
mention it.

Create a language that describes how a part of the webpage should look at a 
certain resolution and change the CSS accordingly, for example:

DisplayTry {...}
DisplayCheck {res: 1024,768; loc: 100,200,150,250; direction: l,r; find: 
border; text; red; end;}
FoundReplace {...}
UnfoundReplace {...}

I don't know if the example is self explanatory, but hopefully you know what 
I'm trying to say.

My first idea was to use a snapshot of what you want that would be compared 
with a snapshot of the page, but that might be too literal for CSS since 
people say CSS isn't pixel-perfect. 

Received on Thursday, 7 April 2005 01:22:35 UTC