Re: Conditional CSS sections based on property support

Laurens Holst wrote:
> @require-all-properties {
>    div {
>       width: 100px;
>       padding: 10px;
>    }
>    div {
>       -mox-box-model: border-box;
>       box-model: border-box;
>    }
> }
> How would this work? !exclude? That seems kinda counter-intuitive -_-;;. 
> But note how you can’t express this with !required either, as the bottom 
> two properties have an OR relationship.

"Supported" is not enough.  A text browser (like w3m) may support CSS 
and images, but if it runs in remote shell, it may not render 
background-image and designer may want a background-color to take effect 
instead of background-image in this case.  Turned off images is another 

I consciously choose example that is similar to my unreplied proposal in .  I 
don't insist on the exact syntax or names.


Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2005 08:28:31 UTC