comment on CSS3 background

Whatever the syntax, an author should not only be able to specify what
each background is, but where each background appears.

The commas (quoted below) remind me of the syntax of specifying
'font-family', but with 'font-family' you're not specifying multiple
fonts, but rather font preference -- so depending on whether that's
analogous enough, then a comma would be appropriate.  I like the | ok,
and I don't like the "and".

It's arbitrary (to me) whether the first or last background would be
top-most or bottom-most.

On a (somewhat) related note, a width and height should be available
 for each image so you could stretch it across a whole page or section
 of page.

 From Hixie's Natural Log:
2004-10-27 17:15 LT <;count=1>

>  Multiple background images
> Given the following hypothetical CSS3:
> body { background: url(foo) url(bar); }
> Which background is painted on the bottom, and which is painted on
> the top?
> Should the syntax be like that, or would something else be better?
> body { background: url(foo), url(bar); }
> body { background: url(foo) | url(bar); }
> body { background: url(foo) and url(bar); }
> Let us know what you think it should be by e-mailing

Received on Sunday, 31 October 2004 15:33:59 UTC