Re: Box model: min-margin and max-margin, max-padding and min-padding

|We should remove the use of the word "elements" and replace it by
|"boxes".  That should be added to the issues list.

'objects' actually. Anyway it is better to change this. Thanks.

|> <html><head><style>
|>     body > span { color:red; }
|>     *:first-child { color:green; }
|> </style></head>
|> <body>
|>   One <span>Two</span> Three
|>   <p>Four Five Six</p>
|> </body>
|> </html>
|> Try to load this in Mozilla and Opera to see what I mean.
|What in the world does this have to do with hidden DOM transformations?
|The span element is the first child element of the body element, so it's
|green (two rules match, and declarations in the one with specificity
|(0,0,1,0) beat those in the one with specificity (0,0,0,2)).

*Probably* yes. But HTML demands anonymous paragraph to be created around
"One <span>Two</span> Three".

Seems like Opera creates it. So the whole "One Two Three" is green there.
But for some unknown reason "Four Five Six" is also green :)

|> 1) Current HTML behavior of
|> <table>garbage<tr>garbage<td>cell</td>garbage</tr>garbage</table>
|> is completely different from what defined in CSS's "anonymous boxes"
|> section.
|Irrelevant.  That's parsing-level error-handling.

"Irrelevance" depends on our goals.

If we want to be able to define exactly <TABLE> in our stock style tables
( like as
TABLE: display:table;
then we *must* change current display:table-* definition.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Original Message from: "L. David Baron":
On Sunday 2004-10-03 12:36 -0700, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> For me, using current CSS Recommendations, is still not obvious: does
> imply DOM
> transformation or not?

I think it's pretty clear that it doesn't since it links to the
definition of anonymous here:
which refers to anonymous boxes.

> What are these 'objects' exactly? Personal opinions and internal details
> different implementations are not normative. Right?

We should remove the use of the word "elements" and replace it by
"boxes".  That should be added to the issues list.

> I personally would like to know for what extent we are going to *emulate*
> <TABLE> in CSS?
> 1) Current HTML behavior of
> <table>garbage<tr>garbage<td>cell</td>garbage</tr>garbage</table>
> is completely different from what defined in CSS's "anonymous boxes"
> section.

Irrelevant.  That's parsing-level error-handling.

> 2) colspan/rowspan attributes anyone?

That should be in CSS3.

> 3) <table dir=right-to-left> changes *order* of columns.
> (flow:right-to-left !) .

Already supported in CSS2 ('direction' property).

> Here is an example of different understanding of "hidden" DOM
> transformations in different implementations:
> <html><head><style>
>     body > span { color:red; }
>     *:first-child { color:green; }
> </style></head>
> <body>
>   One <span>Two</span> Three
>   <p>Four Five Six</p>
> </body>
> </html>
> Try to load this in Mozilla and Opera to see what I mean.

What in the world does this have to do with hidden DOM transformations?
The span element is the first child element of the body element, so it's
green (two rules match, and declarations in the one with specificity
(0,0,1,0) beat those in the one with specificity (0,0,0,2)).


L. David Baron                                <URL: >

Received on Sunday, 3 October 2004 21:23:43 UTC