Re: Optional Style Rules (@option proposal)

   Just a minor correction; the file example, style.css, should have 
included an extra @option rule, shown below.  Without it, the "Larger 
Font" example doesn't work as mentioned in the explanation.

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> /The Example/
>   Using @option, the example above could be reduced back to 3 
> stylesheets, yet still provide the same amount of flexibility with style 
> selection.
> -- style.css --
> /* Persistant Styles here */
> @option "Expanded Abbreviations" {
>     abbr[title]:after, acronym[title]:after {
>         content: " (" attr(title) ")"
>     }
> }

@option "Larger Font" {
     font-size: large;

> -- desert.css --
> /* Normal Desert Styles here */
> @option "Alternate Heading Images" {
>     h1#title { content: url("alt-desert-title"); }
>     h2#news { content: url("alt-desert-news"); }
>     /* etc... */
> }
> -- ocean.css --
> /* Normal Ocean Styles here */
> body { font-family: "xyz", fantasy; )
> @option "Larger Font" {
>     /* The above font may be harder to read at larger font sizes */
>     body { font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif; }
> }

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Saturday, 1 May 2004 18:03:07 UTC