thoughts on non-compliant browsers


I realize this isn't the place to discuss implementations, but I was 
wondering about your thoughts on browsers that decide to go their own 
way with regard to the spec. Actually, I would like some force to be 
applied to the developers...

The browser in question is mozilla! They have decided that font pixel 
sizing is wrong (in most cases I agree), so they take over the user's 
CSS and provide their own interpretation.

Now, I am not one to prescribe behavior for anyone. But I was wondering 
if there is offense taken by others by this non standard approach. Is 
anyone from mozilla here to explain there decision to abandon standards?

Perhaps mozilla should be denigrated in favor of other choices... at 
least for people who believe in standards.

The reason i bring this up is because we have built a beautiful, 
standards compliant, 3 column, tabless layout which works in all 
browsers. The problem occurs when a user resizes the text up in mozilla. 
We have defined tab's text to be pixel based because we needed to use a 
background image for the tabs (using a background-color and sliding 
image broke all over the place). So we made the decision to go pixel 
based for this one thing (the text is large to begin with). The layout 
looks great in all browsers except mozilla when text is increased.

For our project we are going to provide the user with information of how 
mozilla is screwed up and leave it as is -- as it works everywhere else 
(5th gen and up).


Received on Sunday, 7 March 2004 17:55:31 UTC