Diferents styles for each input type

How i can applay diferents style to each input type, that apply to all
de site ?
This are applay to all pages in the site.
Generic input style, applay to all input in the site.
input { margin: 0px; padding: 0 px; }
style for text type, applay only for text type.
{ border: 1px solid gray; }
Is valid this style : input.text { border: 1px solid gray; }
style for submit type, applay only for submit type.
{ cursor: hand; background-color: transparent;
  backgroud-position : center; 
  background-image : url(../images/submit.gif); }
Is valid this style : input.sumit { cursor: hand; background-color:
  backgroud-position : center; 
  background-image : url(../images/submit.gif); }
Alejandro M.S.

Received on Monday, 14 June 2004 13:54:28 UTC