Re: Standards mode and Quirks mode (was Re: [CSS21] Test Suite)

> Robin Berjon wrote:
> . . .
> *processes* XML until it finds it not to be well-formed. I don't see how
> it could guess that it's in error before parsing it to that error.

The existence of an error and the detection of that error are different

> . . .
> It is simple to the point that you can immediately reduce it to A !=
> non-A, which is a tautology. I don't see how that advances the argument
> though.
> The simple fact is:
> . . .

I have not seen anyone arguing against incremental rendering.  You seem to
have been responding to an argument that was never made and thus, cannot be
advanced except in the introductory sense.

> There are many ways of being rude; I was merely responding to your
> assumption that you know and understand everything, and that tautologies
> need be explained to others.

You just admitted disputing assumptions and claims that were never made by
claiming to have responded to my supposed assumptions that I know and
understand everything and that tautologies need to be explained to others.
Of course, I never made any of those assumptions nor any of those claim.

Now that you mention it, though, is a tautology still a tautology when
someone repeatedly argues not only against, but beyond it?  I am not a very
accomplished philosopher or logician, so I do not know, but while you are
pondering that, you might want to look up the straw man fallacy.

Received on Tuesday, 27 July 2004 14:17:42 UTC