PAGE-BREAK-AFTER and <blockquote> inside <p>


Hope I have the correct list for this.  Sorry if I don't.

I have a slight problem/question regarding PAGE-BREAK-AFTER as a class 
with <p> when I call <blockquote>.

My Style is set up like this:
.break{PAGE-BREAK-AFTER: always;}

My Page is set up like this:
<p class="break">
Intro Text Goes Here
A very long book quote goes here
Conclusion Text Goes Here

<p class="break">
Intro Text Goes Here
A very long book quote goes here
Conclusion Text Goes Here

When I print this page out, I need it to only page break where the <p 
class="break"> appears.  But when I print out the page, it page breaks 
at the blockquote also.  I was wondering if anyone had a work around for 
this?  Any tips?  If I take out the <blockquote> it works.

I thought of using some indentation in the style, but the text inside 
the blockquote can be up to 8 lines long sometimes for my application.


Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2004 12:00:58 UTC