Re: Typos in the Orange book?

Robert Nicholson wrote:

> I keep seeing the occasional form like this
> html>#secondarynav {
>     width: 100px;
>     }
> Is the ">" an inadvertent typo or does it have real meaning?
> Apparently it's not a typo but I am surrpised to find no explanation 
> of this
> syntax in the Orange book.
> Oh well off to w3 to see if they can explain what this means.
The > states that the selected element, in addition to having the 
"secondarynav" ID, must also be a child (i.e. a direct descendant) of 
html. It's not present in CSS 1, and it's not still supported by 
Internet Explorer. This may be the reason you don't know it. Read the 
CSS 2 specification or, 2.1 at your discretion.
BTW what Orange Book do you refer to?

Received on Monday, 5 January 2004 10:15:05 UTC