Re: [CSS21] response to issue 115 (and 44)

On Monday, February 23, 2004, 6:32:06 PM, Boris wrote:

>> people how aren't clued about character encodings are more likely to
>> serve style sheets that work if treated as windows-1252 than to serve
>> UTF-8.

BZ> Only in Western Europe.

Only in those parts of Western Europe that don't speak Greek or
Turkish and don't use Macs.

>> Also, for HTML browsers tend to default to windows-1252 regardless of the
>> specs.

BZ> What gave you this idea?  Again, only in Western Europe, even if true (which I
BZ> do not believe it is).

I gather thatsome browsers treat 8859-1 as CP-1252 to catch the pages
wich are actually CP-1252 but mislabelled as 8859-1.

>> Using this heuristic also in case 3 instead of looking at the linking
>> document would improve the cacheability of parsed style sheets with
>> negligible actual breakage.

BZ> Using this instead of looking at the linking document will break
BZ> Japanese pages that use Shift_JIS and Japanese classnames and
BZ> don't specify the encoding (lots and lots of those). In fact, such
BZ> pages were the reason Mozilla added the "look at the linking
BZ> document" thing, if I recall correctly....

Interesting. Of course, HTML browsers for Japanese speakers are set to
autodetect among the few encodings used by Japanese language material
(so they get, for example, 8859-1 pages all wrong) because the HTML
files are typically served without any encoding information, too.

So the CSS file gets set based on the encoding of a document, which
was set by sniffing the byte stream and looking for characteristic
patterns and byte frequencies.

BZ> It really would be nice to only have to implement _one_ algorithm for this, of
BZ> course....


It would also be nice if the algorithm for XML and the algorithm for
CSS were identical except for s/encoding declaration/@charset/g

Lastly, as you can tell form the non-normative nature of Appendix E
and the amusing fragment name, the best and correct way to indicate
the encoding is by internal labelling; this should be the case in CSS
as well. The presence of an override from a network protocol such as
HTTP is a special case. For CSS, there are three sources of
stylesheets and only one of those comes over HTTP, and that not all of
the time.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 Member, W3C Technical Architecture Group

Received on Monday, 23 February 2004 13:30:20 UTC