Re: [css3-page] LCWD issue 23 -- [23] Section 3.4.1 Example

Hi Ernest,

I see your point regarding the page "pseudo-classes"; in Prince we have 
implemented them such that :first has higher specificity:

        any   = specific(0,0,0)
        left  = specific(0,0,1)
        right = specific(0,0,1)
        first = specific(0,1,0)
        named = specific(1,0,0)

However, the rule for regular element pseudo-classes is not so simple
either, due to the negated pseudo-class, whose specificity is the
specificity of the simple selector that it negates:

	*          = specific(0,0,0)
	foo        = specific(0,0,1)
	:link      = specific(0,1,0)
	#foo       = specific(1,0,0)
	:not(#foo) = specific(1,0,0)

Does this change anything?


YesLogic Prince prints XML!

Received on Monday, 9 February 2004 16:24:36 UTC