Re: [css3-page] LCWD issue 23 -- [23] Section 3.4.1 Example

On Saturday 2004-02-07 23:54 -0500, Ernest Cline wrote:
> Perhaps :left, :right, and :first should become ::left. ::right and ::first?
> They do seem to act more like pseudo-elements than like
> pseudo-classes anyway. And pseudo-elements such as ::first-letter

They seem more like pseudo-classes to me.  With normal selectors (used
in rules), pseudo-classes select things (elements) that are selected by
other selectors, whereas pseudo-elements select other things.  I think
it should be the same for page selectors -- both page names and :left,
:right, and :first select pages, so it seems odd to want to turn the
latter group into pseudo-elements rather than pseudo-classes.

To put it another way, there is no object that can be matched by both a
selector with a pseudo-element and a selector without one.  Making
:left, etc., pseudo-elements would mean that a single page box could be
selected both by a selector with a pseudo-element and a selector without



L. David Baron                                <URL: >

Received on Sunday, 8 February 2004 01:40:47 UTC