XSL FO SG comment on css3-page spec

Regarding:  CSS3 Paged Media Module

The XSL FO SG <w3c-xsl-fo-sg@w3.org> notes that the model
described in this draft differs from that in the XSL spec [1].

Specifically, the areas that correspond to XSL's region-before,
etc., appear to fall outside the page margins whereas in XSL,
they lie within the page margins.

We have not had a chance to evaluate this more closely, so we
have no more details at this time, but we wanted to get this
comment in before it gets any later.

Paul Grosso
for the XSL FO SubGroup of the XSL WG

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice6.html#fo_simple-page-master

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 14:36:52 UTC