RE: [css3-page] LCWD issue 09 -- [9] Section 3.1 "Margin box"

Ernest wrote:
> [define three left margin boxes] @left-top', 
> '@left-center', and '@left-bottom'. ...
> The intent is for @left-top, @left-center, and @left-bottom 
> to act much as @top-left, @top-center, and @top-right do 
> except that instead of working to divide up the width of the 
> top margin between corner boxes, they would divide up the 
> height of the left margin between the corner boxes
> All three of these boxes would have a default value of 
> 'text-align' of "center" (just as @left does) but @left-top 
> would have a default value of 'vertical-align' of "top" and 
> @left-bottom would have a default value of "bottom".  (Note: 
> given the ra[n]ges of values for 'text-align' and 
> 'vertical-align  might it be better to name the @left-center 
> rule @left-middle instead?)
> Similarly for the right margin we would have @right-top, 
> @right-center, and @right-bottom.  ... @left and @right 
> could be simply dropped instead of deprecated.
Your issue has been accepted. The @left and @right boxes are removed since
no other specification references them in the way that @top and @bottom are
referenced by PWG specifications [1, 2]. The following boxes are defined in
the place of @left and @right with the defaults you recommend.

a variable height box within the area defined by the left margin and
adjacent to the bottom of the top-left-corner.  

a variable height box in the area defined by the left margin, centered on
the page area, and between the left-top and left-bottom margin boxes.  

a variable height box within the area defined by the left margin and
adjacent to the top of the bottom-left-corner.  

a variable height box within the area defined by the right margin and
adjacent to the bottom of the top-right-corner.  

a variable height box in the area defined by the right margin, centered on
the page area, and between the right-top and right-bottom margin boxes.  

a variable height box within the area defined by the right margin and
adjacent to the top of the bottom-right-corner.  

If you have any further comment on this topic, you have 7 days, until 10
February 2004, to respond.
 -- Jim Bigelow


Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 00:35:48 UTC