Re: CSS3 Proposal: Page Transitions

On 10 Apr 2004 05:17:25 +0000, Sean M. Hall <> wrote:

> This is my proposal for CSS3: Page transitions like MSIE's proprietary  
> revealTrans filters.
> Say we had something like:
> body {
> enter-filter: revealTrans(Duration=2,Transition=12);
> exit-filter: revealTrans(Duration=2,Transition=12);
> }

I think this would be better code:

body {
   transition-enter-type: dissolve; (or blend, etc)
   transition-enter-duration: 2s;
   transition-exit-type: blend; (for example)
   transition-exit-duration: 1.5s;

which could be shortened to
body {
   transition-enter: dissolve 2s;
   transition-exit: blend 1.5s;

MSIE has lots of transitions (filters):

Some of these have several properties to adjust (for instance 'blinds'  
lets you choose the number of strips and the direction). How could these  
different properties be added to CSS?

On another note, I think it should be optional for the UA to render these  
transitions, especially the transition-enter and transition-exit ones.


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