Re: Reversing list order

Yung-Fong wrote on Monday, March 17, 2003 at 4:46:23 PM:

> Is that true this could be achieve by counter-increment: with -1 in
> CSS2 already?

Partly, if I understand the original message correctly.

"The integer indicates by how much the counter is incremented for
every occurrence of the element. The default increment is 1. Zero and
negative integers are allowed."

However, this will only change the numbering of the list. It will not
actually reorder the list. (CSS stays away from that sort of thing.)
In effect, something like this:

    1. Item one
    2. Item two
    3. Item three

Could become this:

    3. Item one
    2. Item two
    1. Item three

But the desired effect is this:

    3. Item three
    2. Item two
    1. Item one

John Lewis

Received on Monday, 17 March 2003 17:57:20 UTC