Re: Horizontal alignment of blocks

Josh Hughes wrote:

>>As far as I can see, adding align: would *add* confusion because it is
>>ambigious as to what is being aligned, and unnecessary because there is
>>already a suitable method for aligning a block that fits in well with the
>>box model etc.
>I don't naturally think of margins when aligning something, and I 
>certainly wouldn't assume that margin: auto means setting a block's 
>margin to half the remaining space of the parent element. If we want to 
>get people to stop using depreciated HTML attributes like "align", 
>having *intuitive* css equivalents makes sense.
>And even with margin: auto, it only works on the left and right sides. 
>For vertical alignment you have to emulate table behavior to reproduce 
>Have css "align" and "valign" properties (or some variation thereof) 
>and have them act exactly like the HTML counterparts. There wouldn't be 
>any confusion.
You're 100% right!

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2003 16:56:38 UTC