Re: interpretation of float model - Mozilla vs Opera & IE

Thanks Ben/Afternoon.

One unintrusive way this could be made possible is to change the way that min/max-width are honored. For example in:

div {
 float: left;
 min-width: 20em;
 width: 33%;
 max-width: 100%;

With 3 divs, if 2 sit at the top and the third wraps below, we get the runaround problem today. But when there is nothing else intruding on its space, the third div could expand to 100% (max-width) of the space available... .

If this is seen as too destructive to float a float-style property could be added:

float-style: static | flow;

If this sort of display makes sense with other elements in CSS it could be added to the set of display values:

display: flow-block;

In CSS3 this could be better placed:

display-role: flow;

Though I disagree with the unintuitive CSS3 naming of display-role and display-model (they're just display-outside and display-inside).

-Chris "SoopahMan" Moschini

Received on Tuesday, 22 July 2003 10:44:44 UTC