CSS3 Generated Content Draft questions/comments.


Regarding your the author's dislike of the terms: superior parent, 
superior sibling, and superior, what if they were named pseudo-parent, 
pseudo-sibling, pseudo-relative? Also, pseudo-child and/or 
pseudo-descendant could go in that list. Perhaps they're reserved?


Also, unless I'm missing something, there is an error in the 'quotes' 

   :lang(en) > q

 From selectoracle: "Selects any q element that is a child of any 
element which is in a language or locale whose identifier equals en or 
begins with en-."

Wouldn't this selector be better/accurate as the given markup example 
has 'q' as a descendant of the <HTML> but not a child?

   :lang(en) q


Could I suggest a more WAI-friendly format for the links in the index? 
The property index table is done with the property as the link text 
(preferred), but the preceding term index has a numerous amount of links 
with "#" as the link text. The concern is that this index would not be 
useful to blind or otherwise disabled users or to UAs capable of 
providing a document link list.

Most of the terms could be used for the links that have only one 
occurance. The terms that have multiple occurances (like "none") could 
have the link text "none", "none (2)", "none (3)", etc. Perhaps the 
numerals could even use <sub> or <sup>

Just a thought.

Thanks again,
James Craig


Received on Thursday, 3 July 2003 15:58:10 UTC