Re: Pseudo-elements

At 2003-02-20T16:23-0800, Tantek Çelik wrote:-

> On 2/20/03 3:50 PM, "Chris Vincent" <> wrote:

> > I figured :active was just for links.

> CSS2 broadened :active to apply to all elements.

Well, potentially. It says "CSS doesn't define which elements may be in
the above states", and CSS3 Selectors has a similar provision. IMO, it
seems slightly odd for a UA to make an element :active when it can't in
any meaningful sense be "activated".

> > I was thinking though, would it be possible to
> > apply the same sort of things to keyboard events?
> Perhaps.  Something like :key-active(c) ?

For "standard" events, the existing dynamic pseudo-classes (perhaps with
one or two additions, though none springs immediately to mind) should
suffice. The above looks like events for arbitrary keypresses, and I can't
think of a sensible use for that. (No doubt someone is now going to come
up with an explanation of how it would be terribly useful to make a text
input widget purple when the user enters a letter Q in it...)

Tim Bagot

Received on Friday, 21 February 2003 03:49:23 UTC