Re: WD-css3-ui-20020802 comments

Some comments:

On 7 Oct 2002, Etan Wexler wrote:
> 2. Dependencies on other modules
> "The following CSS3 modules depend on this CSS3 module:"
> The List module should be repeated here.

The Lists module (new draft to be published soon) does not depend on the
UI module, it only depends on Generated Content, Block Box Model, and
Inline Box Model.

> 4.1. The 'appearance' property
> The 'appearance' property is actually a shorthand, setting all
> properties (maybe excepting the positioning properties).  This
> fact should be noted as such.

I don't think 'appearance' is a shorthand, I think it just overrides the
other properties. If you try to fetch the computed value of 'border' when
'appearance' is set, you'll get whatever you set for 'border', not what
the border actually looks like. It would be impossible to report what the
border actually looked like. (This is different from 'font', where you
_can_ get back the actual font used from the longhand properties after
setting it to a system font value.)

Incidentally, Mozilla already implements 'appearance' (as -moz-appearance,
since it is still just a proposal).

> "... Media: interactive"
> The applicable media are "visual", not "interactive".  If I go
> to print, there still exists a notion of system window and of
> its appearance.

A printer supporting direct HTML+CSS printing (I believe there are some
already on the market) would not have a concept of a windowing system, or
of the appearance of a checkbox, etc.

> 5.1. 'content' property value additions
> This description is too spare.  For instance, what happens when
> the included content is plain text?  Is the included content to
> be treated as though it had occurred in the document stream?  Is
> the included content to appear embedded as a separate object?

Separate object, but in any case, this will be moved to the generated
content module and explained in detail there instead.

Ian Hickson                                      )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
"meow"                                          /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.                         `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Monday, 7 October 2002 17:31:11 UTC