Re: [Suggestion] Multiple 'property' tokens in 'declaration' syntax

Hello Christopher,

On Friday, November 1, 2002 you wrote:

>>> Instead of:   P {margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em; text-indent:
>>> 1em;} Condense to:  P {margin-left, margin-right, text-indent:
>>> 1em;}


> This would allow related measurements to be grouped together so that the
> value could be modified in a text editor once, and all of the associated
> properties would update correspondingly.  The author would not need to
> scan through the style sheet and update every single reference.  In my
> opinion, this would slightly simplify adjustment of values.

I don't follow that. If the values are now set in various parts of a
style sheet, they don't share the same selector. This suggestion only
saves a little work when the properties are already conveniently close


Mot du Jour:
A camel is a horse planned by committee.

Received on Friday, 1 November 2002 03:06:39 UTC