Re: Last call comments on CSS3 module: color

At 05:05 PM 5/22/2002 +0100, Ian Hickson wrote:
>Ann Navarro wrote:
> >
> > [...] most of us could go home and let reps from 2-3 companies
> > write the specs.
>Who do you _think_ writes the specs? :-)

I _know_ who writes our specs. In the HTML WG, no major browser vendor has 
provided any editorship or extraordinary contributions since the rebirth of 
the group in 1998.* A considerable majority of the work is provided by an 
individual who is now an invited expert (he left his member-company 
employment in August 1999).

If you're saying the CSS working group has left it's documents in the 
control of 2-3 companies who only desire to codify their current (at times 
questionable) practices, that sounds like a CSS-WG problem, not one endemic 
to HTML-related specs.

* Netscape and Opera have members responsible for a segment of modules for 
XHTML 2.0, but that's a very recent turn of events.


Received on Friday, 24 May 2002 05:01:58 UTC