Color module comments (WD-css3-color-20020418)

In the Last Call Working Draft of the CSS3 Color module 
(<>), there are a 
few problems.

Change the three occurences of "attr(X" to "attr(<identifier>".

4.2.4 "HSL color values"

"CSS3 adds numerical Hue Saturation Lightness (HSL)"

Change to "CSS3 adds numerical hue-saturation-lightness (HSL)".

"RGB is hardware-oriented: it reflects the use of CRT's"

Add an ending period.

"RGB is oriented to light rather than (what people find more intuitive) 
print. For instance, yellow is red+green in RGB."

This is redundant given the following and should be removed.

"RGB is non-intuitive. People can learn how to use RGB, but actually by 
internalizing how to translate Hue, Saturation and Lightness, or 
something similar, to RGB."

Change "H" to "h", "S" to "s", and "L" to "l".  These are not proper nouns.

"Advantages of HSL are:"

Change "are:" to "are that"

"HSL colors are encoding as a triple (Hue, Saturation, Lightness)."

Change "H" to "h", "S" to "s", and "L" to "l".

"Hue is represented as an angle of the color circle (i.e. the rainbow 
represented in a circle)."

Add "This angle is so typically measured in degrees that the unit is 
implicit in CSS; syntactically, only a <number> is given.".

"By definition Red=0=360, and the other colors are spread around the 
circle, so Green=120, Blue=240, etc. Saturation and Lightness are 
represented as percentages."

Change the capitals to lowercase.

"100% is full saturation, and 0% is a shade of grey. 0% lightness is 
black, 100% lightness is white, and 50% lightness is 'normal' "

Add a final period.  Then add "A value of " to the beginning of each 
sentence because digits are not to start a sentence.

Example X

The second declaration uses 'rgba' notation but needs to use 'hsla' 

4.4.1 "CSS2 User preferences for colors"

"The computed value of a System Color keyword value is the keyword 

Why is this?

4.4.2 "CSS3 User preferences for hyperlink colors"

"Most desktop user agents allow the user to choose the default colors 
for hyperlinks to be rendered in their various states. The following 
system colors permit an author to explicitly style their hyperlinks in 
accordance with those preferences."

Change both occurences of "hyperlinks" to "hyperlink anchors".  After 
the second occurrence add "and other elements.".

"The color names are camel-cased"

Change to "The color names, though case-insensitive, are presented 
here in mixed case"

4.5. "Notes on using colors"

"If you use a background image or set the background color, then be 
sure to set the various text colors as well."

Change to "When setting a background image or background color, set 
the text color in the same rule set and at the same weight (e.g., 
'!important').  When setting a text color, set the background in the same 
rule set and at the same weight."

6. "Profiles"

"CSS level 1" ... 
'opacity' property
'color-profile' property
'rendering-intent' property
@color-profile rule
RGBA color values
HSL and HSLA color values
X11 color keywords
CSS2 UI Colors
CSS3 Hyperlink Colors
'transparent' color value
'flavor' color value"

In fact, CSS1 accepts any identifier as a color value.  While CSS1 did 
not specify semantics of particular color keywords, it did not constrain 
them, either.  A CSS1 implementation written at this time could 
legitimately incorporate the X11 color keywords, CSS2 UI colors, CSS3 
hyperlink colors, and the 'flavor' color keyword and offer the associated 
functionality.  Nothing in the CSS1 specification prohibits this.  It would 
be best to move those four items out of "Excludes" and into a note.-- 
Etan Wexler <>

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2002 04:00:37 UTC