Re: Feedback on Media Queries CR

Håkon Wium Lie wrote:

> 2) The introduction of mobile web devices with smaller screens poses a
> presentation problem. The two-dimensional table-based layout of a
> common web page does not scale well onto a smaller screen. Using Media
> Queries, the style sheet can use a table-based layout on a large
> screen, and a block-based layout on a small screen. The content will
> be the same, but a few lines in the style sheet will be different, and
> the right one will automatically be selected.

Wouldn't the "handheld" media address this? A better example, I feel, 
would be choosing different colourising stylesheets for handhelds 
depending on whether they're using a monochrome or colour display.

MSN: luminosity @

Received on Friday, 19 July 2002 05:03:25 UTC