Re: pause-before property for presentations

Lachlan Cannon wrote:
> Dave Raggett wrote:
>> I did think about that, and one solution would be to introduce three
>> pseudo classes which apply to elements before they are revealed,
>> elements that have just been revealed and which are the current
>> focus of the presentation, and elements that are revealed but which
>> are no longer the focus of the presentation. This would allow you to
>> "shade" bullet points you haven't gotten to yet, and to emphasis the
>> current bullet point as desired.  The pseudo classes wouldn't apply
>> to elements that are always visible.  I haven't come up with any
>> good names for these pseudo classes. Any suggestions?
>> p.s. I suggest that "auto" may also be of value.
> What about :hidden, :focus and :revealed ?

Oops, meant :focused. Though that doesnb't work well either. Maybe :current?

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Received on Monday, 15 July 2002 05:36:19 UTC