Re: css3-lists: Coptic and Ionic Greek

On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Christos Cheretakis wrote:
>    "Although quite a number of points > 90 are defined, because of the 
> holes created due to the missing code-points, it is suggested to use 
> decimal as a fallback algorithm for numbers > 90". I don't really love 
> it, but I guess it's a viable solution. The editing is yours.

I'll make the numbers 1..89 be required of implementations, and then say
that MAY also support higher numbers if they like, but that that is not
required of all implementations.

>> Should the spec say that lower-greek and upper-greek end with the numeral
>> sign, or not? What should it say the suffix is? How about ancient-greek?
> No is for ancient greek, yes is for modern. The numeral sign *is* 
> part of the number. In ancient greek style dropping it is a big *NO-NO*. 


> In modern greek it is dropped, as a matter of style, when it is closely 
> followed by some other characters, for example the list-number suffix. 
> When used in a list, the suffix would be ")", the closing paren.


>>> For modern-greek, when used in a list, you would drop the
>>> numeral-sign, [...] But, when used in generated content, ie, TOC,
>>> chapter title numbering, etc., the numeral-sign has to be there. [...]
>> Well, authors can always add the numeral sign manually, if they are using
>> generated content.
> Conceptually, I don't like it as a proposed solution. It solves the 
> problem, in a way, though. I'd say, make the spec be correct, and let 
> implementations propose work-arounds.

That's not really an option. The spec has to be what is implemented, or
else the spec won't exit CR, and authors won't know what to expect.

Ian Hickson                                      )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
"meow"                                          /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.                         `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2002 07:48:53 UTC