Re: Suggestion to add "spacing between sentences" to CSS3 Line WD

I think there is a precedent in CSS for specifying styles which rely on
unspecified algorithms.

CSS does not specify the algorithms used to render fonts, yet fonts are
included in spec and rendering heuristics for anti-aliasing are inexact
"tips".  Even the specification of the shapes of fonts is proprietary in
many cases.

IMO, the only question is whether there exists, or soon to exist, fairly
accurate parsers for finding sentences in major languages (English to
start).  I would assume there are.  Note I did not say "100% accurate".
Nothing on the web is.

As I said from very beginning, it will be a long time before this problem
is correcting addressed.  It your decision when to address it.  I have done
my job to come here and make the W3C aware of the issue (if it wasn't
sufficiently already) and to answer all the design issues from my perspective.

Happy holidays for those who celebrate this month.  I will probably be on
vacation tomorrow thru New Year.

-Shelby Moore

Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2002 13:32:08 UTC