Re: Recommended practice on selector compatibility

At 2002-12-03T22:57+0100, Christian Roth wrote:-

> How does one best formulate the selector for a class named 'heading 1'?

I think this can't apply to HTML, as class names are space-separated. But
there's nothing to prevent someone defining a language in which class
names containing spaces are possible. In any case, there are plenty of
non-whitespace characters one might want to escape.

> Possibilities I have come up with:
> (1) .heading\20 1 { ... }
> (2) .heading\00201 { ... }
> (3) .heading\0000201 { ... }
> (4) *[class=heading\0000201] { ... }

> ad 3:
> Opposite of (2), there is no way to make a CSS2 parser interpret the
> escape correctly; it will stop after 4 chars and treat the rest as
> literal again.

Presumably you mean CSS1.

> The above solution would still not solve the 4-char vs. 6-char maximum
> length escape sequences problem. Or am I missing something?


Tim Bagot

Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2002 17:51:57 UTC