Re: CSS Namespace enhancements w3c working draft 25 june 1999

* Nicolas Leroux wrote:
>Can someone explain me about the use of an uri to define a @namespace
>rule ?
>The grammar of a the CSS namespace proposal is the following:
> : NAMESPACE_SYM S* [namespace_prefix S*]? [STRING|URI] S* ';' S*
>As i undertood, this enhancement is destined to style xml files. My
>question is what is exactly the use of an uri ? According to the XML
>specifications, a namespace is just a string

Yes, and as I've recently pointed out, CSS should say the same for it's
url() construct until retrieval action takes place. Ok, there is a
little normalization issue for XML namespaces that has to be resolved,
but this is a minor one.

>So what exacltly does a uri mean for a namespace ?

It's just a same-concept-same-construct thingy.
Björn Höhrmann { }
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
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Received on Thursday, 25 October 2001 11:15:10 UTC