Re: scrollbar CSS

Bruno <> wrote:

> I was just wondering why w3c doesn't support MSIE 5.5 css for

Disclaimer: I don't have anything to do with W3C.

The IE5.5 scrollbar properties are pretty tied to Windows's model of
what a scrollbar is. For many UIs, things like '3D highlight', 'shadow'
and so on make absolutely no sense. Providing a fully-configurable,
it-can-look-like-anything scrollbar is currently beyond the scope of
and different interfaces provide such widely differing scrollbars that a
general tweakable property is unlikely to be useful.

(If Microsoft don't even support scrollbar properties in the Mac version
of their own browser, why should W3C consider it?)

> The same question I have for filters in MSIE css. This stuff are

You think? I find filters a really ugly extension with an
syntax. I don't think it's sensible to require such sophisticated image-
processing tools in web browsers, which are complicated enough as
it is! One suspects filters turned up in IE simply because they
were easy to implement using Windows code - again, they're not
present in IE/Mac.

(I don't include opacity in this, which doesn't seem to be to behave
much like a filter at all, and would be better specified using a simple
'opacity' property, as in SVG etc.)

Andrew Clover
Technical Consultant AG

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2001 13:02:50 UTC