Re: Netscape 6 - SPAN - attributes - HELP

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001 13:18:54 -0500, Sheridan Gove (
> STYLE type="text/css"
> 	#Button0{width: 75; height: 25; margin-bottom: 5;}
> 	#Button1{width: 75; height: 25; margin-bottom: 5;}
> 	#Button2{width: 75; height: 25; margin-bottom: 5;}
> In IE all these attributes are recognized. In NS6 however none of them are
> recognized. NS6 will recognize margin-left and margin-right. If margin only
> is set then only left and right are effected.

There are two problems here:

1. Lengths in CSS are required to have units.  Implementations are
   required to reject lengths without units.  (Netscape 6 and Mozilla
   do this in standard mode, but not in quirks mode.)  See CSS2
   sections 4.2 and 4.3.2.

2. Inline non-replaced elements (such as SPAN is by default) are not
   affected by the width (see CSS2 section 10.3.1), height (see CSS2
   section 10.6.1 and 10.8), or margin-bottom or margin-top
   properties (see CSS2 section 10.8, which explains how vertical
   positioning within the line is done using font-size, line-height,
   and vertical-align).


L. David Baron        <URL: >
Mozilla Contributor                      <URL: >
Invited Expert, W3C CSS WG          <URL: >

Received on Friday, 19 January 2001 13:52:44 UTC