Re: background-position in NC4.7x

i've just run into this, myself...  i'm trying to put a background who's
position is 0% 100% and repeats on the y-axis...  works great in IE and
Mozilla, but in Netscape it draws it as if the position was 0% 0%...  i'd
like to know if you find out a fix, as i really need it for a site i'm


Jesse Kaufman                           |       WebSurf Internet Access
Administration / Web Development        |                     |       Ph: 316.945.7873             |       Fax: 316.946.9944

<<< Vim is a REAL man's text editor.  I don't know why anyone else would
    even bother with sissy programs like emacs, or even worse...  pico!  >>>

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Gabriel Rivera wrote:

> Hi:
> Netscape 4.7x doesn't seem to undertand this:
> BODY {
> background-image.......
> background-repeat.......
> background-position: top right; /* NC fails rendering the "right" */
> }
> How can I make this work?
> Are there alternative ways to do this?
> Thanks a lot.
> Gabriel.

Received on Friday, 22 September 2000 11:58:02 UTC