Re: Way to Represent <img> Behaviour in CSS

From: "Sean Palmer" <>
Date: Wed, Nov 22, 2000, 9:34 AM

> *But* it isn't legal to have attr(X) inside a <uri> yet, or apply it to any
> other form of selector. That's what I'm asking, can we have uri(attr(X)) in
> CSS3, and have it apply to anything?

Yes, this is allowed by the CSS3 UI draft [1], specifically, the extensions
to the content property [2]. Note in particular "Applies to: all elements".

Also note "Appendix A. Additions to the Base Style Sheet for HTML4" [3],
specifically the rule:

 content: url(attr(src));
 border: none;
 user-select: none;
 user-focus: normal;





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Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2000 13:29:18 UTC