run-in the middle of a block

What would happen if I put an element with display: "run-in" in the
middle of a paragraph?

<P> Section 1: Here is some text. <SPAN style="display:
run-in">run-in</SPAN> Section 2: Here's the rest of the paragraph.</P>

1. The CSS2 spec says that the run-in becomes inline if it is followed
   by a block.

      The run-in is not followed by a block.

2. The CSS2 spec says that if the run-in is not followed by a block,
   it itself becomes a block.

      The run-in becomes a block.
      Section 2 becomes encased in an anonymous block.

3. The CSS2 spec says that the run-in becomes inline if it is followed
   by a block.

      The run-in becomes inline.
      There is no longer a need for the anonymous block, so Section 2
       becomes inline. --> goto 2

So, uh.. did I forget to read something or am I misinterpreting the

Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2000 16:08:28 UTC