Re: MacIE 5.0 CSS bug

Looks like correct behavior to me. The "A:visited" rule is more specific than the "A:hover" rule (because it
is later in the style sheet), so it therefore overrides the color. See  Assigning property values, Cascading,
and Inheritance

I presume the background and text-decoration are showing up properly?

Seems the error was in 4.5 for ever working in the first place...

Walter Ian Kaye wrote:

> Oh Taaaaanteeeeek... ;)
> In my page I have:
> <STYLE TYPE="text/css">
>    <!--
>    A:link    { color: #0000FF }
>    A:hover   { color: #0000FF; background: #FFFF00; text-decoration: underline }
>    A:active  { color: #000000; background: #999999; text-decoration: underline }
>    A:visited { color: #666666 }
>    -->
> </STYLE>
> For visited links, the hover is not coloring the text blue. It worked in 4.5, but it's not working in 5.0.
> What's up?
> -Walter

Received on Tuesday, 28 March 2000 16:12:01 UTC