Re: Inline h*ll

Also sprach Matthew Brealey:

 > Impressive.
 > However...
 > 11. <P style="line-height: 14pt; font-size: 12pt;">11.
 > This is a paragraph which<BR>contains a <BIG
 > style="font-size: 300%;">BiG</BIG> element<BR> that
 > will do weird stuff.</P>
 > Since the line-height declaration is 14pt, there
 > should be 14pt between baselines, regardless of the
 > content.

No. All inline boxes on the line are 14pt high, but the baselines are
in different positions due to the effect of "half-leading". Since the
inline boxes are aligned vertically on their baselines, the resulting
line box is higher than 14pt.

Mozilla shows this example in the same manner as Opera 4.



Chief Technology Officer                                Opera Software
Håkon Wium Lie                                           gets you there faster

Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2000 10:14:58 UTC