CSS Namespaces: Need multiple namespaces!

In the CSS3 namespace draft, a namespace prefix can be associated with
only a single namespace at a time.

This is very, very limiting. For example, in the UA stylesheet of a UA
supporting HTML4 and XHTML, each element would need six entries!

   @namespace html4-strict url(...);
   @namespace html4-transitional url(...);
   @namespace html4-frameset url(...);
   @namespace xhtml4-strict url(...);
   @namespace xhtml4-transitional url(...);
   @namespace xhtml4-frameset url(...);

   html4-strict|h1, html4-transitional|h1, html4-frameset|h1, 
   xhtml4-strict|h1, xhtml4-transitional|h1, xhtml4-frameset|h1, ... { }

...and so on.

I suggest that the @namespace syntax be extended to allow an arbitrary
number of url()s, so that the above could be changed to this:

   @namespace html url(...) url(...) url(...) url(...) url(...)

   html|h1 { }


Ian Hickson
: Is your JavaScript ready for Nav5 and IE5?
: Get the latest JavaScript client sniffer at 
: http://developer.netscape.com/docs/examples/javascript/browser_type.html

Received on Wednesday, 29 September 1999 07:55:34 UTC