Re: Name for default value of border-color needed

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-----Original Message-----
From: L. David Baron <>
To: <>;
<>; <>
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 3:29 PM
Subject: RE: Name for default value of border-color needed

>On Wed, 22 Sep 1999 12:04:46 -0700, Chris Wilson (
>> Could you explain why the DOM necessitates a name for the default color?
>Suppose you have the rule:
>DIV {
>  border: medium solid green;
>  }
>As explained in [1] and referenced in [2], setting a shorthand property
>sets the value of the relevant longhand properties.  (It could be
>stated somewhat more explicitly, but it is there.)  This means that if
>'rs' were the CSSStyleRule object representing the above rule, then the
>following are true:
>"border-width") == "medium";
>"border-style") == "solid";
>"border-color") == "green";
>Now, suppose the above rule is instead:
>DIV {
>  border: medium solid;
>  }
>The first two statements above are still true.  However, the following
>must equal something (and it shouldn't be the empty string because that
>means the property was not set in the ruleset):
>It should be keyword that is the default value of the border-color
>L. David Baron    Sophomore, Harvard (Physics)
>Links, SatPix, CSS, etc.     <URL: >
>WSP CSS AC                      <URL: >

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 1999 21:07:48 UTC