Inheritance of line-height normal - enhancement to spec

     Tells user agents to set the computed value to a
"reasonable" value based on the font size of
     the element. <q>The value has the same meaning as
<number>.</q> We recommend a computed
     value for 'normal' between 1.0 to 1.2. 

This could be expressed better.
1. Firstly, the use of 'computed value' in 'We
recommend ...' is a terminological inexactitude, since
computed value is the value that is applied (subject
only to device-specific constraints). 
2. 'The value has the same meaning as <number>'. In
this context, value means the computed value, which 
is different from <number>, which is a scaling factor
that has nothing to do with computed values.

It should be made clear that BODY {line-height:
normal} does not result in inheritance of the computed
value, but actually results in inheritance of

Thus it would be better phrased as:
     Tells user agents to set the <number> to a
"reasonable" value [omit 'based on the font size of
     the element']. [omit <q>The value has the same
meaning as <number>.</q>] We recommend a [omit -
     value for <number> between 1.0 to 1.2. [insert]
The <number> chosen is inherited in exactly the same
way as <number>.

In most cases, elements inherit computed values.
However, there are some properties whose
specified value may be inherited (e.g., the number
value for the 'line-height' property). In the cases
where child elements do not inherit the computed
value, this is described in the property definition. 

From Matthew Brealey ( (for law)or (for CSS))
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Received on Thursday, 11 November 1999 10:29:21 UTC