RE: CSS3 : font-style

| Why just a normal-italic toggle?  Wouldn't normal-bold be an equally valid
| toggle -- depending on the circumstances?  Or large-medium, or small-medium,
| etc.?

For normal-bold, the problem has been solved with the value "bolder"
(though I know that this value is difficultly rendered...).

I just proposed the font-style: toggle value because you need it all the
time (with <em>, <q>, <dfn>, <cite>, <address>, for a film or book title,
etc.). We have the habits to toggle normal/italic to emphasize words, you
find this convention anywhere. Take a journal, a book or something else,
even a hypertext document, authors use italic really more than bold or
large/medium/small to render contrast...

Do you know a HTML tag (or a potential HTML tag) which needs the existence
of another toggle value ? For me, all elements seems having very
good translations in CSS, but the <em>, <q>, etc. which play with italic.
Don't you think so ?

But you can perfectly imagine a universal value like "toggle(first-value,

| /Jelks

"Et bien tu vois, Stan, les vaches... c'est le mal. Leur coeur noir
ne pompe pas du sang comme toi et moi mais un liquide visqueux qui circule
dans leurs veines pourries pour irriguer leur cerveau minuscule, ce qui
fait qu'elles adoptent un comportement hallucinatoire (danger : soucoupes) 
et que Dieu les a puni en les envoyant toutes vivre... en Normandie (ou il
pleut trois fois plus qu'a Compi...)." ('xcuse-moi, Milou...)

Received on Friday, 28 May 1999 09:18:15 UTC