Rotated Content

There is one critical attribute that is being left out!  That is the
ability to rotate rendered text 90, 180, or 270 degrees.  In printing,
we often find ourselves printing rotated text onto a page, especially in
financial printing (aka EDGAR).  You will see this on the front cover of
a prospectus.

Currently, we have no way of duplicating this type of content.  We
cannot use graphics due to the SEC's current restrictions on graphics
use, and simply laying out the text along the top of the page is not
really a very good option either, if for no other reason, it looks
really, really bad.

Please consider throwing this option into the CSS3 spec.  It would be
nice to have this ability by the time that the user agents decide to
support it, oh in about 15-20 years!

Received on Monday, 28 June 1999 12:23:18 UTC