Re: Style and <frameset>

Nicolas Lesbats wrote:

 > Today, frames and tables are very used for styling web pages. Of
 > course, this doesn't allow to separate content and style. Have anyone a
 > kind of ideal, workable solution to solve the problem ?

Tables and frames in themselves are not the problem -- the problem
arises when tables and frames show up in the markup.

CSS2 supports tables and frames-like layouts in style sheets. Here's a
simple example of how to present using tables -- but without table

    UL { display: table-row }
    LI { display: table-cell }
      <LI>first list element
      <LI>second list element
      <LI>third list element

Mozilla will render the above document correctly. And Opera has a
yet-unreleased implementation.

For an example of a frames-like document, see the example in the CSS2
specification [1].



Håkon Wium Lie                         simply a better browser

Received on Saturday, 12 June 1999 17:15:06 UTC