Re: <U> Deprecated

Jason Weigle writes:
 > To my knowledge(and please correct me if I'm
 > wrong), Internet Explorer's rendering of [<span>] is
 > limited, if not non-existent.

As far as I know, you are wrong. IE works perfectly well with <span>,
from at least version 3.

 > The reason that I wanted to comment on this was that I
 > had to go back and change several sections of my
 > websites from <span> to <div> in order to to get them
 > to render properly on IE.

You may have remembered wrongly. There is a problem with NS4 about
setting the display property for <div> (it seems to be hardwired), so
that <span> works where often <div> doesn't.

Steven Pemberton

Received on Tuesday, 20 July 1999 13:04:21 UTC