Re: border on broken line boxes (was Re: 14.2.1 'background-position' - block level only?)

Tantek Celik wrote:

 > >
 > >
 > >I think that this clears it up, although it is only a brief explanation.
 > It certainly clears up some questions.    However, in that same section
 > there is this piece of text:
 > "When an inline box is split, margins, borders, and padding have no visual
 > effect where the split occurs."
 > Is it too much to presume that that last "split occurs" was intended to be
 > "split(s) occur(s)"?

You're right, there can be more than one split and this should be
reflected in the specification.

 > e.g. This is one way of interpreting section 9.4.2 for an inline box that
 > splits across more than two lines (paraphrasing the examples used for the
 > abovementioned diagram):
 >          +-------------------
 > Several  |emphasized words,
 >          +-------------------
 > -----------------------------
 > enough to break across more
 > -----------------------------
 > ---------------+
 > than two lines,| appear here.
 > ---------------+
 >             fig. 1
 > Is this what was intended?

Yes, if the dashes represent the combination of
padding/border/margins. As Roland noted in another answer, to actually
get this visual effect you need to set 'line-height' as well. In the
CSS2 example [1], the line height is set to '2.4em'.



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World     W      i     d     e       Web  Consortium

Received on Tuesday, 8 September 1998 17:59:30 UTC